The Best Siding Contractor
For The Job!

Siding replacement will make a significant difference to your home energy efficiency and the cost of living—but it can do so much more than that, too! As one of the largest and most visible features of any property, new siding can transform and modernize even the most dated or dingy home exterior.

The key to getting siding that’s just as energy efficient as it is beautiful?
It’s working with JMS Construction Corp, The Siding Experts!

Beyond licensed and insured, we also have talented workmanship who can perfectly install any siding to make the house  look perfect.

We’re trained to install the highest-quality siding systems, including:

  • Wood
  • Vinyl siding
  • Fiber Cement
  • Composite

5 reasons why

you should replace your home siding

Old or damaged siding can contribute to energy loss by allowing air leaks and inadequate insulation. By replacing your siding with newer, energy-efficient materials, such as insulated vinyl or fiber cement siding, you can improve your home’s thermal performance. This helps to reduce energy consumption, lower heating and cooling costs, and create a more comfortable indoor environment.

Siding plays a significant role in your home’s exterior appearance. If your current siding is worn, faded, or outdated, replacing it can give your home a fresh, attractive look. With various siding materials, colors, and styles available, you can choose a new siding that complements your architectural style and enhances your curb appeal. This can increase the overall value and attractiveness of your home.

Upgrading your siding can be a smart investment as it can significantly increase the value of your home. Potential buyers are often attracted to properties with updated exteriors and low-maintenance siding. By choosing durable, high-quality materials and professional installation, you can make your home more appealing to buyers and potentially command a higher selling price.

Siding acts as a protective barrier against the elements, shielding your home from moisture, wind, and pests. If your current siding is damaged, cracked, or prone to water infiltration, it can lead to structural issues, rot, or mold growth. Replacing the siding ensures that your home is properly protected, preventing further damage and potential costly repairs down the line.

Older siding materials may require regular maintenance, such as painting, sealing, or repairing. By upgrading to low-maintenance siding options like vinyl or fiber cement, you can save time, effort, and money on ongoing maintenance tasks. These materials are designed to resist rot, insects, fading, and weathering, allowing you to enjoy a beautiful and hassle-free exterior for years to come.

Is Our Siding Services
Right for You?

Determining whether our siding services are the right fit for you involves considering several factors. Assess your specific needs, budget, and preferences. Evaluate the durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal of our siding materials. Additionally, explore customer reviews and testimonials to gauge satisfaction levels. Consult with our experts for personalized advice based on your unique requirements.

Book your consultation now!

and receive a no-obligation estimate at no cost.
Please call 508-904-9965 or fill out this form and a customer service representative will contact you shortly!